Pharmacy Cure All

December Promotions to Attract Customers

Have you launched some offline and online marketing promotions for the holiday season? This is one of the best times to do some campaigns since consumers are more than willing to spend!

Here are some tips that you can use for your pharmacy:


1. Advertising to Target Audiences
Using Facebook ads, you can choose a specific target market that you can promote your items to based on their interest and location.

Thank You Marketing is a marketing agency that helps Community Pharmacies & Pharmacists build a relationship with their customers through social media marketing. Update your clients by sharing health tips, promos, and other important news through a social media, email or a website.

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2. Merchandising & Display
In-store displays can attract new customers to the pharmacy to browse rather than just walking by. Display products related to the theme being promoted.

DWB Business Services brings the best of both online and personal service to customers looking for branded merchandise and sales aids. DWB carries promotional items, apparel, and printing.


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3. Text Your Customers
Talking to your customers through every channel possible, even through texting will help increase your sales and customer retention. Giving them tips, reminding them of promos, giving loyalty rewards will help them feel connected with your pharmacy.

MessagePro delivers a suite of Messaging-centric applications and services that allow employees and clients to stay better connected in real-time. Solutions are delivered both through standard connections and using secure and encrypted over-the-top technology that is HIPAA and FINRA compliant.


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