Pharmacy Cure All

1. Second Source Rx

Second Source Rx is a newly founded wholesale distribution company, purchasing products directly from manufacturers and offering them to nationwide sites of care. Headquartered in Earth City, Missouri, Second Source Rx aims to complement the offerings of primary wholesalers by offering savings on pharmaceutical products as a check and balance and acting as an alternate source of supply in the event of a market disruption. Second Source Rx is privately held, and its business practices have been accredited by NABP and NCDQS.

The independent pharmacy business model has been challenged as it relates to product supply and profitability. Between DIR fees, negative reimbursements, and shortages, independent pharmacy owners are challenged to consistently find ways to evolve and improve their profitability to maintain their bottom line, while many times taking a back seat to the large chains who have partnered with their primary wholesaler.


As a VAWD accredited distributor we specialize in the distribution of generic pharmaceutical products, niche otc’s, and supplies. We purchase our products direct from over 40 manufacturers and offer them to nationwide sites of care. Our three simple goals are to improve the supply chain, save our customers money, and provide differentiated product offerings.


By being responsive and sourcing strategically, such as partnering with authorized generic manufacturers, Second Source Rx has remained in-stock for months on some of the hardest to find items in the market today. Our customers have had a competitive advantage in their ability to service customers while other pharmacies are out of stock.


In addition, we have provided incremental profitability and differentiation to several thousand pharmacies through our sale of value generics and niche product opportunities. With over 100 sku’s of short-dated generic products at large discounts, stores can dramatically reduce their purchasing costs in working with us. We also offer niche product opportunities, such as Welly Bandages. As the only distributor providing these items to independent pharmacies, Second Source Rx creates the opportunity for independent store owners to compete with retailers such as CVS and Target.