APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2021

03/12/2021 - 03/15/2021 | 12:00 am Los Angeles

When the decision was made to cancel the APhA2020 live meeting due to COVID-19, we moved quickly to provide an online virtual package of more than 100 hours of CPE to meet the educational needs of our attendees and recognize the outstanding work of pharmacists.

Our experience with APhA2020 Virtual was a springboard for what’s next for the 2021 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition—making the meeting more accessible than ever before. While some things remain uncertain, one thing we know for sure is that pharmacists are resilient, and so is APhA. A live component to APhA2021 is scheduled for March 12-15, 2021 in Los Angeles, CA.

Moving Pharmacy Forward means now, more than ever, that we need pharmacy’s best and brightest minds to share their experience and expertise to help keep the profession strong.