NSU College of Pharmacy Presents the Third Annual FUTURES Summit

11/12/2019 | 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Don Taft University Center at Nova Southeastern University
NSU College of Pharmacy’s Third Annual FUTURES SUMMIT
FUTURES Summit is a pharmacy profession and health care networking and career event encompassing all aspects of the profession. The event gives health care companies an opportunity to connect, and offers candidates, alumni, and the community a glimpse of what the pharmacy profession and health care system truly has to offer.
The FUTURES Summit offers something for everyone.
- Business2Business Engagement
- Networking
- Career Showcase
- Pharmacy Presentation
- VIP Reception
- Alumni Reunion
Company Benefits: Companies in health care , including health systems, technology advancements, payers, and supportive services, have the opportunity and benefit of networking and engaging with other companies. The event provides companies access to ideal candidates from undergraduates to alumni for specific roles needed. The interprofessional approach to networking and connecting, unique to the FUTURES Summit, fulfills recruitment needs in all business areas. Whether your company is looking to build its brand and expose services to target markets or wanting to improve and grow your team, FUTURES Summit offers something for everyone.
Student and Alumni Benefits: The FUTURES Summit is held prior to ASHP Mid-year to enable candidates to engage and network with residency and hospital directors. This is a vital time to make the right connections and truly open doors for the ideal candidates. Pharmacy candidates and alumni can meet top companies and professionals in key positions from across the country. From new clinical breakthroughs to advancements in technology pharmacists, and other health professionals, hold positions that bring great value to our health care system. It is vital for our future professionals to understand the entire spectrum of career options available for pharmacists.
We don’t believe in putting a barrier between value and opportunity.
- 6:00 -7:00 p.m. – VIP Event and Company Set-up
- 7:00 -8:30 p.m. – Networking and Company Showcase
Goals of the FUTURES Summit:
- Company exposure to target markets and potential partners
- Company expsure to the university and university partners
- Company exposure to students and alumni for potential opportunities
- Networking exposure and engagement
- Alumni reunion
Schools that will be partnering:
- NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
- NSU H. Wayne Huizenga School Of Business And Entrepreneurship