Pharmacy Cure All

1. Your Telemedicine

Given the mandate for SOCIAL DISTANCING, YourTelemedicine is a MUST.

Physicians and patients talk to each other in real time from one screen (phone or computer) to another. Using this software, patients can see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment without having to wait for an appointment. You can consult physicians at the comfort of your own home.

Why have YourTelemedicine in your Pharmacy?

  • To increase your patient‘s access to care.

  • It improve quality of your care delivery.

  • It reduces healthcare expenses.

  • It improves patient engagement and satisfaction.

What’s in it for your patients?

  • No Travel Expenses. They don’t have to go out of the house and wait in long lines!

  • Can save a lot of time. Your patients can do more things that they love.

  • Privacy. Less interference with different people going in and out of their office.

  • No exposure to other potentially contagious patients. Be safe at the comfort of your own home.